Nov 4, 2020

Protecting a Loved one Who Is, Will Be, or Has Been Incarcerated

By |November 4th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Protecting a Loved one Who Is, Will Be, or Has Been Incarcerated

Protecting a Loved one Who Is, Will Be, or Has Been Incarcerated It is natural to want to protect our loved ones no matter what. However, you may be finding it difficult to provide a prosperous future for your loved one if that person will be, is, or has been incarcerated. Unfortunately, this event will [...]

Oct 6, 2020

Athletes: Your Game Is Not the Only Thing That Needs a Winning Strategy

By |October 6th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Athletes: Your Game Is Not the Only Thing That Needs a Winning Strategy

Athletes: Your Game Is Not the Only Thing That Needs a Winning Strategy In sports, success frequently brings significant monetary compensation. While this is a dream come true for most individuals, it is important to take the right steps to safeguard this hard-earned money. Most people assume that the biggest challenge is spending beyond one’s [...]

Oct 6, 2020

All in the Family: Making Sense of Per Stirpes, By Representation, and Per Capita Distributions

By |October 6th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on All in the Family: Making Sense of Per Stirpes, By Representation, and Per Capita Distributions

All in the Family: Making Sense of Per Stirpes, By Representation, and Per Capita Distributions “That’s not fair!” In many households, this is the common refrain of children as they advocate for themselves or express what they feel to be unjust. This pursuit of fairness, however, is not limited to arguments between parents and young [...]

Oct 6, 2020

How Trusts Have Helped Athletes

By |October 6th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on How Trusts Have Helped Athletes

How Trusts Have Helped Athletes Estate planning is not just about what happens when you die. Proper estate planning takes into consideration all aspects of your life and how to protect your accounts and property so that you can receive the maximum use and enjoyment during your life as well as protect whatever you choose [...]

Oct 6, 2020

Can an Estate Plan Include a Right of First Refusal on Certain Property?

By |October 6th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Can an Estate Plan Include a Right of First Refusal on Certain Property?

Can an Estate Plan Include a Right of First Refusal on Certain Property? Estate planning attorneys in Mesa are occasionally asked by clients whether an estate plan can include a right of first refusal (ROFR) (sometimes called a first right of refusal) on certain items or parcels of property. The following example helps to illustrate [...]

Oct 6, 2020

Estate Planning: What To Do When Your Child Dies Suddenly

By |October 6th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Estate Planning: What To Do When Your Child Dies Suddenly

Estate Planning: What to do When Your Child Dies Suddenly Experienced Estate Planning Attorneys Explain The Legal Challenges Of Dealing With A Child's Death The death of a minor child is one of the greatest shocks that life can deliver. No one can ever prepare for the cascade of challenges that will come with such [...]

Oct 6, 2020

Buyer Beware: How to Avoid Estate Planning Scams

By |October 6th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Buyer Beware: How to Avoid Estate Planning Scams

Buyer Beware: How to Avoid Estate Planning Scams Imagine spending thousands of dollars on an estate plan to protect loved ones, only to find that no true protection exists. Unfortunately, this scenario happens on a regular basis to individuals who are victims of estate planning schemes. According to a report conducted by the U.S. Consumer [...]

Sep 7, 2020

COVID-19 and Minor Children: Things to Consider Now

By |September 7th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on COVID-19 and Minor Children: Things to Consider Now

COVID-19 and Minor Children: Things to Consider Now Protecting your family is important, especially when you have minor children, and even more so now that we are living through a pandemic. With all of the unknowns of our current situation, you need some certainty. Having an up-to-date estate plan can be the first step toward [...]

Sep 5, 2020

Conservation Easements: Preserving a Heritage With Tax Benefits

By |September 5th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Conservation Easements: Preserving a Heritage With Tax Benefits

Conservation Easements: Preserving a Heritage With Tax Benefits You may have heard about conservation easements in the news over the past few years and the tax benefits available through the use of them. But what are they and how can they benefit you? Defining Conservation Easements A typical conservation easement is created when a landowner [...]

Sep 5, 2020

Tips for Divvying Up Personal Property

By |September 5th, 2020|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Tips for Divvying Up Personal Property

Tips for Divvying Up Personal Property We collect stuff throughout our lives. This “stuff” is known as our personal property. Some items are valuable, like jewelry, baseball cards, and works of art. Other items are sentimental, like grandma’s tea set, old christmas ornaments, and photographs. Regardless of the value, it is important that these items [...]

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