Jun 6, 2023

Integrating a Community Property Trust Into Your Estate Plan

By |June 6th, 2023|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Integrating a Community Property Trust Into Your Estate Plan

Integrating a Community Property Trust Into Your Estate Plan Careful, trust-based estate planning is the best way to ensure the highest quality of life for you and your loved ones. But, a well-crafted estate plan consists of many parts. Couples with highly appreciated accounts or property (something that is worth more now than when [...]

Jun 6, 2023

Three Things You Must Do To Protect Your Family If You Are Recently Unemployed

By |June 6th, 2023|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Three Things You Must Do To Protect Your Family If You Are Recently Unemployed

Three Things You Must Do To Protect Your Family If You Are Recently Unemployed If you have recently lost your job, you are not alone! Inflation has skyrocketed in the United States over the past couple of years. Some smaller businesses have not been able to survive the increased expenses, putting employees out of [...]

May 28, 2023

Why Can’t We Have a Joint Trust If We Are Not Married?

By |May 28th, 2023|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Why Can’t We Have a Joint Trust If We Are Not Married?

Why Can’t We Have a Joint Trust If We Are Not Married? Joint trusts are beneficial for many married couples, especially if they have a stable relationship, do not have many creditors, and do not live in a state where their estate may be subject to a state death tax. Compared to separate trusts, [...]

May 26, 2023

Has Your Client Outgrown Their Estate Plan?

By |May 26th, 2023|Newsletter|Comments Off on Has Your Client Outgrown Their Estate Plan?

Has Your Client Outgrown Their Estate Plan? As estate planning attorneys, we work hard to set up estate plans that fit a client’s needs and ensure that everything works together for the client and their loved ones. Estate plans remain effective as long as they accurately reflect a client’s circumstances and current state and [...]

May 23, 2023

The Death Of Raquel Welch & What Her Estate Plan Is (Or Might Be)

By |May 23rd, 2023|Estate Planning|Comments Off on The Death Of Raquel Welch & What Her Estate Plan Is (Or Might Be)

The Death Of Raquel Welch & What Her Estate Plan Is (Or Might Be) Raquel Welch, whose acting career spanned five decades, passed away in February at the age of eighty-two. Welch appeared in more than thirty films and fifty television series, won a Golden Globe Award, and has a star on the Hollywood [...]

May 18, 2023

Planning a Barbecue Is Like Planning Your Estate

By |May 18th, 2023|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Planning a Barbecue Is Like Planning Your Estate

Planning a Barbecue Is Like Planning Your Estate For many, Memorial Day weekend signals the beginning of summer and enjoying warm-weather activities, including backyard barbecues with friends and family. Although a cookout may be an informal affair, planning is crucial to its success. This is true for estate planning, too. Just as preparations are [...]

May 16, 2023

Helping Clients Embrace Estate Planning Etiquette

By |May 16th, 2023|Newsletter|Comments Off on Helping Clients Embrace Estate Planning Etiquette

Helping Clients Embrace Estate Planning Etiquette May is National Etiquette Month, and the goal is to encourage all people to act with consideration, respect, and honesty in their interactions with others in their everyday lives. Etiquette can also play a role in estate planning. A well-crafted estate plan ensures that your client’s wishes are [...]

May 13, 2023

National Home Remodeling Month: How Remodeling Your Home Could Impact Your Estate Plan

By |May 13th, 2023|Estate Planning|Comments Off on National Home Remodeling Month: How Remodeling Your Home Could Impact Your Estate Plan

National Home Remodeling Month: How Remodeling Your Home Could Impact Your Estate Plan Spring is associated with renewal, and as the weather gets warmer, many homeowners turn their attention to renovation projects.  Each May, the home remodeling industry and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) celebrate National Home Remodeling Month. In 2023, over [...]

May 8, 2023

Mental Health Awareness Month: How An Estate Plan Can Help Improve Anxiety

By |May 8th, 2023|Estate Planning|Comments Off on Mental Health Awareness Month: How An Estate Plan Can Help Improve Anxiety

Mental Health Awareness Month: How An Estate Plan Can Help Improve Anxiety How Estate Planning Can Help Reduce Anxiety About The Future Roughly one in five US adults experiences a mental illness each year. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions, affecting nearly one-third of adults at some point in their [...]

May 6, 2023

Help Your Clients Polish Up On Their Estate Planning & Personal Etiquette This Month: Important Probate Rules Everyone Should Know

By |May 6th, 2023|Newsletter|Comments Off on Help Your Clients Polish Up On Their Estate Planning & Personal Etiquette This Month: Important Probate Rules Everyone Should Know

Help Your Clients Polish Up On Their Estate Planning & Personal Etiquette This Month: Important Probate Rules Everyone Should Know When a person dies, what happens next depends on whether the deceased person had any foundational estate planning documents such as a last will and testament (otherwise known as a will) or trust, who [...]

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